A New Beginning
by Conrad Gomes on
TechEuphoria was developed during the second quarter of 2014 with the help of a wonderful slide deck from an open source advocate Dan Allen(mojavelinux).
I had an overall understanding of what I wanted to achieve. It is to build a lean and clean website, have the ability to be agile and publish with ease and at will. My objectives took form over the course of my search for a solution as I became familiar with the different concepts and paradigms of web design and development. My objectives can now be summarized as follows:
Use a decentrallized tool with which TechEuphoria can be built locally before publishing it to the world wide web.
The tools chosen should have a mechanism with which the presentation of the website could be separated from the content.
Use responsive website design(RWD) to allow users with devices of different displays to consume the content.
A Journey of Errors
My objectives were more or less clear. I needed a way to work on my website, whenever and wherever I wanted to. I knew Git was a good way to achieve it but I did not know about Github Pages and started off with the first choice that came to mind and that was Wordpress.
So begain my pursuit to build TechEuphoria with the objectives given. I initially figured a way to deploy and manage this website with the help of the following links:
After days of playing around and understanding the details of Wordpress I realized that it was still difficult to publish and the fact of dumping the SQL database to a file to sync different copies of the website was a hack rather than a solution. Despite getting the solution working I abandoned it completely on the 30th of May. My exploits are stored in the logs of the following repositories:
The following represents the tools that I use to compile and publish this website:
TechEuphoria content is written in AsciiDoc.
It is transformed by Awestruct and Asciidoctor into a static website.
It uses Github Pages as its publishing engine.
I use Vim as my text editor to edit everything.
My development machine is an Ubuntu guest on an Oracle Virtual Box
Happy Blogging!