I2C/TWI with AVR Data Transfer
by Conrad Gomes on
We now take a look at the TWI/I2C API responsible for data transfer. The header file twi.h has the prototype. We’ll take a look at the arguments and their description now:
TWI_RET_E twi_send_recv_buffer(
TWI_SEND_RECV_BUFFER_PARAMS_X *px_send_buffer_params,
TWI_MODE_E e_mode);
The first argument is a pointer to TWI_SEND_RECV_BUFFER_PARAMS_X defined as follows:
uint8_t uc_dev_addr;
uint8_t uc_dev_id;
uint8_t *puc_reg_addr;
uint32_t ui_reg_addr_sz;
uint8_t *puc_data;
uint32_t ui_data_sz;
uc_dev_addr is the higher nibble of the I2C slave device address
uc_dev_id is the lower nibble of the I2C slave device address. It is used where the slave address can be configured
puc_reg_addr is the pointer to the buffer holding the register address of the slave device.
ui_reg_addr_sz is the size of the buffer with the register address.
puc_data is the pointer to the data buffer
ui_data_sz is the size of the data buffer.
The second argument is an enumeration which indicates if a send or receive operation is to be done
typedef enum _TWI_STATE_MODE_E