I2C/TWI with AVR Register Initialization

by Conrad Gomes on

We learned about the different registers available in the Atmel AVR microcontroller to program the TWI interface. In this section we’ll go through the twi_init API and the initialization of the TWI interface.

The initialization code in the testbench.c initializes the TWI/I2C library as follows:

x_twi_init_params.e_mode = eTWI_INIT_MODE_16_0000M_100K_1;
x_twi_init_params.pfn_debug = testbench_debug;
e_twi_ret = twi_init(&x_twi_init_params);
if(eTWI_SUCCESS != e_twi_ret)
   i_ret = -1;
   goto LBL_INIT_IO_RET;

The API twi_init takes a structure variable x_twi_init_params of the type shown below. The definition is in twi.h:

typedef struct _TWI_INIT_PARAMS_X
   TWI_INIT_MODE_E e_mode;
   TWI_DEBUG_PFN pfn_debug;


The TWI interface can be initialized based on several modes each of which is given an identifier which signifies the CPU clock frequency, SCL clock speed and the pre-scaler value. For instance in the enumeration definition below eTWI_INIT_MODE_16_0000M_100K_1 is the mode for a 16.0000MHz micro-controller, with the desired SCL clock frequency set at 100KHz and the pre-scaler set to 1.

typedef enum _TWI_INIT_MODE_E
   eTWI_INIT_MODE_16_0000M_100K_1 = 0,


Internally if we take a look at the twi_init function defined in twi.c we see a look up table is employed to initialize the 5 registers TWBR, TWCR, TWSR, TWDR, TWAR. The look up table has the following structure for each row:

typedef struct _TWI_INIT_REG_X
   TWI_INIT_MODE_E e_mode;
   uint8_t uc_twbr;
   uint8_t uc_twcr;
   uint8_t uc_twsr;
   uint8_t uc_twdr;
   uint8_t uc_twar;


The lookup table is a global array gxa_init_reg and is defined as follows:

static TWI_INIT_REG_X gxa_init_reg[] =
      0x48,                               //0b01001000
      0x80,                               //0b10000000
      0x00,                               //0b00000000
      0x00,                               //0b00000000
      0x00                                //0b00000000

The code in twi_init cycles through the array gxa_init_reg until it finds the correct mode and then initializes the 5 registers with the values associated with the mode.

for(uc_i = 0 ; uc_i < uc_size_arr ; uc_i++)
   if(px_init_params->e_mode == gxa_init_reg[uc_i].e_mode)
      px_init_reg = &gxa_init_reg[uc_i];

if(NULL == px_init_reg)
   if(NULL != px_init_params->pfn_debug)
      px_init_params->pfn_debug("Can't find correct mode");

   e_ret = eTWI_FAILURE;

TWBR = px_init_reg->uc_twbr;
TWCR = px_init_reg->uc_twcr;
TWSR = px_init_reg->uc_twsr;
TWDR = px_init_reg->uc_twdr;
TWAR = px_init_reg->uc_twar;

In the next section we’ll check out transmit and receive functionality on the TWI/I2C bus with I2C/TWI with AVR Data Transfer.